Thursday, February 3, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Take 4

, comes ... heroic age. He finished the INDOR'11

Una nueva etapa comienza para la franquicia de los Vengadores en Marvel. Después de la invasión Skull , de que Osborn controlara a todos los tipos con "mayas" registrados y que Thor se quedara sin su ciudad de nacimiento ( Asgard ). Llega la EDAD HEROICA , momento en que Marvel aprovecha para comenzar their series of Avengers from number 1.
Four will be the new series of the Avengers to begin this beginning of the year, with the Secret Avengers who call more attention (both by its members, for their role in the superhero world.) The Avengers return to embed in your group to the big three: Iron Man, Thor and Captain America (but it comes with a surprise).
As everything has its downside, apart from investing in comics that awaits us in the coming months, is the disappearance of the Dark Avengers. A great invention of Bendis, who in my opinion has been the best in recent years. Not surprising that there is a "resurrected " of the group in the short term.
For the above, to enjoy the Avengers to secure the smooth roll-heroic not last long.


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