Wednesday, March 2, 2011

If You Lose 50 Pounds Will Breast Size Decrease

28 - F: with "f" Fernando. Great Victories

For the second consecutive year the youth association Cruor Iberia came back out to the streets on February 28 not to recall the step he took to become autonomous Andalucia but to claim to Fernando III "the Saint" as the father of Andalusia, King of Castile, Toledo, León, Galicia, Seville, Cordoba, Murcia, Jaén. We

back to adhere to the manifesto issued last year:


We, the Andalusian provinces of Andalusia, proud of our land, our identity and our roots we love our Patria and we celebrate our day of Andalusia offering this clear to all the associations, of whatever nature (youth, cultural, sporting, social, and other types of groups established in our region, etc. ...) with the single condition partnerships that are taking root in Andalusia, so that they can adhere to the Manifesto from the time we make it public and not to be closed under any deadline.
the Manifesto for public to express freely and voluntarily:

1 º. Recognize as the Father of Andalucía to Fernando III "the Saint" King of Castile, Toledo, León, Galicia, Seville, Cordoba, Murcia, Jaén.

be, first, by the human qualities that contributed to its historical personality, known for their vassals and enemies, for, as his epitaph reads, Ferdinand III was "the most loyal, more true, more frank, the bravest, the handsomest, the greatest, the most experienced, the most humble. " Second, Father of Andalusia by the historical projection of its work reconquer, unquestionable cause of our present-day Andalusia (immediate parent of the Kingdoms of Jaén, Córdoba and Sevilla when recaptured by his own arm mediate ancestor of the other provinces sisters that if you do not have the Father, this I could have as Grandfather). Paternity historic St. Ferdinand can not be rejected by any well-born Andalusian, only an ignoramus could renounce their true origin.

2 º. Under the aegis of the royal figure of St. Ferdinand were happily reunited with Spain the English territories who were unhappy and terrible centuries of slavery under a foreign culture and fanatical, brutal and invasive that we recognize as hostile to our freedoms and our very being outside Andalusia.

3 º. For the happy victories of King Ferdinand III is established in our beloved homeland our forefathers, solar was taken from them by an invasion, by brute force, cruel and bloody, and the betrayal of some. Centuries of darkness were the ones who suffered Andalusia, under a foreign power that plunged into the murky and sordid night of barbarism. Fernando III brought the light.

4 º. We are forced to claim paternity historical Fernando III the Saint, having been called into question by our Parliament of Andalusia where, in 1983, imposed "in the Preamble to the Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia, as" Father "just a partisan character, which neither represents nor could legitimately represent the totality of the Andalusian people, much as his supporters that the prerequisite of good parenting character, whose name will silence purpose, can not have.

5 º. We demand that the political authorities of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia recognize Ferdinand III as the undisputed Father of Andalucia exclusive. And be able to suture the chasm that the political class opened between it and the authentic Andalusian village that claims to represent. For the distance that separates most ever political class of thought, will and feelings of the people from widening further.

And for this to take effect, we signed the manifesto, which will be published every February 28, Day of Andalusia, for all February 28, the latter as they are to come, are written with "F "Fernando, and not to" F "for False.


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