Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wikipedia-cancer Of The Tonsils

Notes, Messages ... y. .. TIME Magazine Archives, June-July months.

Give Voice To Your Heart Song


By Ruben Mattiazzi
Years progressively woven a network or rather, a web of which more is more difficult to escape. My public life has been confined to a small circle: my room, the locations required by my primary needs: supermarkets, greengrocers and so on, which somehow make us mandatory. Finally, it is no longer a requirement but an emotional need: the morning coffee in a downtown bar with amigos.De so then who is embarrassing to analyze the current state of culture in Rio Ceballos. Only I have the inkling that it has beats that show any signs of life, but not the fullness of life and does a thriving town, a prestigious, but an established presence and persistent. Perhaps not only the biggest or best, but the only drive, Rodolfo Sarmiento, left a testamentary example of how to undertake cultural management. A fact that never, unfortunately, encouraged or inspired by the official authorities nor the private entities to follow not only the same models, but to create other and promote the capabilities and capacities latent in the city and its hinterland. I dare to say - and if I'm wrong I pray that this publication circulated to the necessary amendments to the Cooperative, Public Works and Services is developing a program of cultural activities, whose example is the Blue House, with various activities, such as film and cultural workshops, which I think is commendable. Regarding the Municipal Culture Department by Lic. María Angélica Verino, although there are some activities, I think that is a lack of communication with the cultural and the general population. An example: I find an art show days, and it passes through the village because the chapel. I note this not as criticism but as an indication. Finally, we should examine the subject of what culture is. As we know, there are countless definitions of culture. As is often improperly use the anthropological conception of culture, in which all production of elements by of a community are part of the culture and are cultural objects. That is, a guillotine has the same condition "cultural" as a poem or a symphony. It happens that this concept is only appropriate for anthropology, in terms of systematization and classification of different ethnicities and cultures, but their extrapolation is no longer valid for the life of the soul of a society. I prefer a humanistic conception of culture, and this means that culture is the result of a spiritual condition of mankind that a latency is embodied in a series of ethical and aesthetic achievements. But this more later if the director of this publication permits.

How Does A Toomstone Cost

National Meeting of Theatre, The Memory of Mary Chestnut

Sonia King Daniel and Leo are the Independent Directors of the Centro Cultural Maria Chestnut. This Centre was established in 1995 by Sonia and Leo. Like any activity, Cultural, unfortunately, had to face many troubles, but the love of culture and recognition of those who passed and passed through this space let go forward with great strength.
In 2007, the owner where Maria worked Chestnut-Calle Lima 373 - had died, and the contract was not renewed. This highlighted the problem of those cultural site managers are not owners of the property. It took the risk to be closed permanently. But their creators were very clear what it meant for Mary Chestnut Culture in the city of Cordoba, a task that had been carrying out with great effort. They turned to the media, colleagues, friends, authorities ... to know about this serious situation. 09 August 2007, was an embrace of solidarity, which was joined by a series of actions to protect this cultural center. These, made Mary Chestnut was declared of cultural interest, public utility and subject to expropriation. The government of the province of Córdoba awarded on loan for ten years (with possibility to extend for ten years) an old house located in Tucumán street 260, city of Cordoba, where now Mary Chestnut.
East Cultural Centre, was able to participate in the meetings of Theater, organized by Dr. Rodolfo Sarmiento, receiving, on one occasion, the GRC recognition that each meeting will be delivered. Today
Sonia King and Daniel Leo, remember their way through Rio Ceballos:
participate at various times of the Rio Ceballos. The enthusiasm of the organization, as reflected by Rodolfo Sarmiento, to be in this mountain city is a party. We
Encounter funny anecdotes. On one occasion in the role of the play "The Partener" the room was filled with smoke because was based on for a kitchen with a plate of steak. The aim was to introduce the public to the aromas of a high bowling very low category as those that can be found on the sides of the train stations or groups. One of the technical partners of the meeting understood that it needed to smoke, smoke pouring salt on the plate and before long, the room was a complete haze.
In the workshop we shared intimate moments with friends and other provinces of Cordoba, stretched links that have been extended in time. We believe that this is one of the fundamental objectives of a meeting of Theatre, the ability to share experiences. Who put that task on their shoulders do with great generosity, as he puts his house to meet all friends, regardless of the job entails.
In our experience, we have participated in many festivals, a coincidence is that several of these drivers are physicians or people working in medicine. Perhaps the desire to mix, to mobilize a community to heal through art.
Ojala, Sarmiento's successors, to honor the wishes, desires and delivery to the Festival requires.
Thanks Leo and Sonia, Rodolfo sure, somewhere, be aware of these words. From these pages, we encourage you to continue the momentum and joy forever.
NOTE: For information about Mary Chestnut, which can make entering:

Where Is The Spc Number On The Bmo Cre

Rio Ceballos in History (Time Magazine File)

For Monteagudo

De concordance with known history, the first teacher was Don Francisco Ceballos Río Luján (Pancho) he taught back in 1860 under the traditional aguaribay which he still wears his presence in front of the Old Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Rio Ceballos first pharmacy was Mr. José Galvosa, who in 1932 sold Mr. Nicanor Chiapero. It was located in a house owned by Mrs. Lola Ceballos, opposite-then-the kiosk Migliavacca. Today Chiapero pharmacy, closed its doors.
In 1938 he installed the first thirty phones in Rio Ceballos. Eventually increased to one hundred. Anyway, even around `70, the communications system was managed based on a telephone, which was located at the height of 100 street Alberdi and where, with the crank system had to ask for the number with you wanted to connect.
The number 1 corresponded to the Hotel Los Sauces, 2 to the Town Hall, 4 to Hotel Eden, 1 to the police,
La Colonia San Francisco, located on Avenida Sarmiento to 600-off the Don Orione-Colonia, was founded in 1934, its first Mother Superior Sister Margaret Alacoque.
The first justices of the peace in Rio Ceballos were Siviardo Loza (1912), Prospero Moyano, Secundino Coseani and Abel Arguello.
In the 15 years of Revista Momento (No. 150, April 1997), Rodolfo Sarmiento, remember those who gave the initial toe next to him: Roberto Di Giorgi, Ruben Matiazzi, Horacio Ruvira, Carlos Ergueta, Henry Aubery, Felix Zacco, Adolfo Díaz Castelli, Plante, Manuel Alejandro Morales. Dr. Sarmiento
in those 15 years, highlighted the many contributors to this medium. In that 1997 also reminded the staff that had left him physically, as Felix Zacco, Roberto Puglia, Javier Alejos, Adolfo Díaz Castelli, making it a special thanks to Manuel Morales, who was the "motor" of history in pages of Time and great support at the Museum of the City created by Dr. Sarmiento.

Goldfish White Bumps On Head

Brief history of a company of our city, Soderi Yatay

In 1955, the Lords met Bruno Lenzi, brothers John and Aldo Pasquini, and Othello and Luciano Baldassi brothers and decided to buy the Lord July Mozzoni the Soderi Yatay, forming from July 1 of that year, the Society Yatay SCC, on the streets of our city Azcuenaga, moving in the sixties to the location it occupies today, Parana Street 93.

After fifty-five years of a prestigious career, the brothers Edward and Alex and his cousin Victor Baldassi Baldassi owner of the property as a daily walk the streets of Rio Ceballos to serve their customers, continuing the family business started with much effort by their parents.

Open Christmas Brampton

According to data provided by Greenpeace, Argentina emergency is in forest: we lost 70% of original native forests and deforestation has increased sharply in the last decade by the uncontrolled development of the agricultural frontier. According to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina, between 1998 and 2006 the deforested area was 2,295,567 ha, equivalent to more than 250,000 hectares per year, 1 hectare every two minutes.

Mr. Ángel Alberto Díaz, makes us an overview of how we got to this situation.
E-mail: ago

10,000 to 12,000 years to be finishing the last glacial period, and the Southern Cone met from cold to medium temperatures - cold, on a par with increasing melting and its attendant higher rainfall and humidity. All
central what would our country, was the seat of very extensive forests, thinned only in places of high topography (cutters and saws). Nourished by the huge sediment layers of volcanic ash and water Andean rivers and favored by an increasingly warm temperatures.
About this time a gradual decline in the forest gave support to the latter groups of large herbivores (large bears, primitive horses, armadillos giants, etc.
In continuing its decline, could no longer sustain the large herbivores that began to disappear, coinciding with the arrival of the first threats of primitive man (who came from the Andes or the vast Chaco plains 10,000 years ago).
addition to these large mammals, were those of smaller size, in an abundance completely unknown to modern man.
enough to cite that in times as late as 1800, from Patagonia to the Chaco, lived thousands of jaguars, deer that inhabit the Pampas in large herds, and so much of the fauna.
begin to arrive early human migration flows in small groups to "virtually" lost in the forest and savanna. The world population was about what today is Argentina.
The settlement and development policies carried out by almost all governments, they rapidly increase the number of people, although very unevenly. The concept of "progressive" these days, for nothing is included conservation practices, quite the opposite. Incredibly, the aborigines in general, had some conservationists beliefs, being that they were groups that were divided into clusters numerous, but few exceptions being the development of relatively low ecological impact.
In the belief that natural resources were virtually inexhaustible very little is known about the complex and extensive cause-effect relationships in nature. At the end of 1800 the province's forests occupy 13 million hectares, now do not reach half a million hectares and is declining. Environmental impact as scary, does not cause an equivalent natural reaction? Obviously, yes.
Are we able to withstand and overcome these reactions? ALTERNATIVE PLANS ARE THERE?