Sunday, June 6, 2010

Give Voice To Your Heart Song


By Ruben Mattiazzi
Years progressively woven a network or rather, a web of which more is more difficult to escape. My public life has been confined to a small circle: my room, the locations required by my primary needs: supermarkets, greengrocers and so on, which somehow make us mandatory. Finally, it is no longer a requirement but an emotional need: the morning coffee in a downtown bar with amigos.De so then who is embarrassing to analyze the current state of culture in Rio Ceballos. Only I have the inkling that it has beats that show any signs of life, but not the fullness of life and does a thriving town, a prestigious, but an established presence and persistent. Perhaps not only the biggest or best, but the only drive, Rodolfo Sarmiento, left a testamentary example of how to undertake cultural management. A fact that never, unfortunately, encouraged or inspired by the official authorities nor the private entities to follow not only the same models, but to create other and promote the capabilities and capacities latent in the city and its hinterland. I dare to say - and if I'm wrong I pray that this publication circulated to the necessary amendments to the Cooperative, Public Works and Services is developing a program of cultural activities, whose example is the Blue House, with various activities, such as film and cultural workshops, which I think is commendable. Regarding the Municipal Culture Department by Lic. María Angélica Verino, although there are some activities, I think that is a lack of communication with the cultural and the general population. An example: I find an art show days, and it passes through the village because the chapel. I note this not as criticism but as an indication. Finally, we should examine the subject of what culture is. As we know, there are countless definitions of culture. As is often improperly use the anthropological conception of culture, in which all production of elements by of a community are part of the culture and are cultural objects. That is, a guillotine has the same condition "cultural" as a poem or a symphony. It happens that this concept is only appropriate for anthropology, in terms of systematization and classification of different ethnicities and cultures, but their extrapolation is no longer valid for the life of the soul of a society. I prefer a humanistic conception of culture, and this means that culture is the result of a spiritual condition of mankind that a latency is embodied in a series of ethical and aesthetic achievements. But this more later if the director of this publication permits.


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