Sunday, June 6, 2010

Open Christmas Brampton

According to data provided by Greenpeace, Argentina emergency is in forest: we lost 70% of original native forests and deforestation has increased sharply in the last decade by the uncontrolled development of the agricultural frontier. According to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina, between 1998 and 2006 the deforested area was 2,295,567 ha, equivalent to more than 250,000 hectares per year, 1 hectare every two minutes.

Mr. Ángel Alberto Díaz, makes us an overview of how we got to this situation.
E-mail: ago

10,000 to 12,000 years to be finishing the last glacial period, and the Southern Cone met from cold to medium temperatures - cold, on a par with increasing melting and its attendant higher rainfall and humidity. All
central what would our country, was the seat of very extensive forests, thinned only in places of high topography (cutters and saws). Nourished by the huge sediment layers of volcanic ash and water Andean rivers and favored by an increasingly warm temperatures.
About this time a gradual decline in the forest gave support to the latter groups of large herbivores (large bears, primitive horses, armadillos giants, etc.
In continuing its decline, could no longer sustain the large herbivores that began to disappear, coinciding with the arrival of the first threats of primitive man (who came from the Andes or the vast Chaco plains 10,000 years ago).
addition to these large mammals, were those of smaller size, in an abundance completely unknown to modern man.
enough to cite that in times as late as 1800, from Patagonia to the Chaco, lived thousands of jaguars, deer that inhabit the Pampas in large herds, and so much of the fauna.
begin to arrive early human migration flows in small groups to "virtually" lost in the forest and savanna. The world population was about what today is Argentina.
The settlement and development policies carried out by almost all governments, they rapidly increase the number of people, although very unevenly. The concept of "progressive" these days, for nothing is included conservation practices, quite the opposite. Incredibly, the aborigines in general, had some conservationists beliefs, being that they were groups that were divided into clusters numerous, but few exceptions being the development of relatively low ecological impact.
In the belief that natural resources were virtually inexhaustible very little is known about the complex and extensive cause-effect relationships in nature. At the end of 1800 the province's forests occupy 13 million hectares, now do not reach half a million hectares and is declining. Environmental impact as scary, does not cause an equivalent natural reaction? Obviously, yes.
Are we able to withstand and overcome these reactions? ALTERNATIVE PLANS ARE THERE?


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