Monday, January 24, 2011

How Much Yearly Teeth Cleaning Cost In Edmonton

Although the weather unfortunately did not accompany us (was the coldest day of winter) we had a Saturday and Sunday most pleasant of: friends, acquaintances and new people that passed through the CS Victoria Kent.
Gamers of games, did not rest or to eat at vvorágine to play as many games as possible (even closed the event stayed in squatters plan without leaving your chair.)
Adherents the magic and HeroClix also came to occupy all the seats available for tournaments. The retroconsolas were the rage in the not so young as the children, who never had their hands on a controller with so few buttons. The chabal of
soccer Total glad the cold Sunday morning with their careers by the Social Centre (Abraham who do not understand arilleo won their wards). And the role gave up for dead some also had their space with club stalwarts alchemists.
All of the above, along with Haunt of da rage, Star video store, Devir, and City Hall of Malaga Homoludicus made it possible for a weekend of January either we had a place to spend a while to remember quite happily in our memory.
Thanks to all participants and all those gamers who did not leave even a second to have cards, dice or cubes of resources in their hands.
I spent some photos of the event:


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