Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hydro Costume For Diving

be a fool not more.

will you excuse me "or not, but the fault is not the child or his parents. Someone should take up the cudgels for the family, so here I am, breaking it. In the case of Professor of the Institute of the line that creased the ham in class, offending Islamic sensitivity of a thirteen year old Muslim student, the culprits are others. After all, the father filed a complaint in police station, after qualifying school abuse the fact that words are pronounced unclean ham and pork in class, did not otherwise demonstrate that knows where it is. We have been tracking. The hypocrites are we, citizens socially correct and pure conscience, that fill the mouth after swallowing it all down to the bottom because they will not say we are intransigent, xenophobes and fascists, and the rest of what people say, suddenly we get close picky and saying no, listen. By God. Now, the tip nothing.

This is Spain, hear. Where, as my friend Carlos Herrera, not be a fool again, because we would fall into the water. When the child's family Muslim offended by the ham turned his steps to the nearest police station, ingenue was fair. I moved it absolutely certain that, by crazy to be his complaint, he had some chance of success. And I can not but agree with him. Knowing the patio.

The teacher first. Luckily he walked tilapia prudent and cowering. With that in Spain overprotection exempt small bastard, a child gets up in class and remove the word the teacher is talking about geography and climate suitable for curing pork, to demand that does not offend the sensitivity religious, it seems to many the most natural thing in the world. O semos tolerant or not semos. Respect to multiculturalism, it is called that. And if the teacher occurs to him raising his voice to tell the lad to shut up or take him by the neck if it gets out into the hallway flamenco, calculate the scatter. Fascist teachers, school violence, xenophobia in classrooms, radio and television talk shows, Internet to the fullest. You drop the hair, the prof. Muslim child and above, almost nothing. If you also get to be a girl and headscarf, open television news.

As police pretend you are out Ramirez, or whatever, you're throwing a cigarette at the door, and in those comes the father of the child and said that his son have lied in the Jaluf class, and that is intolerable. Then you, Ramírez, considers two opciones. La primera que se le ocurre es mandar al padre y al hijo a tomar por saco; pero, lo mismo que el maestro, sabe perfectamente en qué país imbécil se juega los cuartos. También sabe que, si no se pone a disposición de cualquier fanático oportunista, tramitando tal clase de denuncias, puede ponerse a remojo: xenofobia policial, abuso de autoridad, prevaricación, nocturnidad -son las siete de la tarde- y alevosía. Titulares de prensa, y María Antonia Iglesias, descompuesta de belfo, llamándolo fascista y mala persona en la telemierda. Así que opta por la segunda opción, y tramita. Cayéndosele la cara de vergüenza, pero resignado con su puto oficio y su puta España, va al día take his statement following the teacher. And the sun rises in Antequera.

Now, the judge, prosecutor or whatever. Fortunately, a guard was normal, of not looking out in the newspapers. He decided, with sound discretion, could not do what Corporal Ramirez: send the applicant to hell, as the Court does these things: filing the complaint. My question is what would have happened if instead of touching the prosecutor would have fallen Fulano Mengano prosecutor, one of which touched another record and is caught with cigarette paper, just in case. Of which, in a discussion of traffic, a driver called bastard a driver, it responds fox, and soak the driver for conduct macho. You might say is impossible. Ham that the complaint could not succeed ever. Vale. Think slowly. This is Spain, remember. Demagogues and CANTAMAÑANAS paradise where all nonsense flourishes. Now tell me again that the complaint would never go forward, at least at trial stage. Say it looked into my eyes.

So, in my opinion, was perfectly decent Muslims. Not risking anything. And if school, school. Hopefully, even would have taken a paste to afford the trip to Mecca with his family. In any case, it is certain that the Muslim community of his people must have it now by a holy man, honest Mohammedan. All a great guy. To be in her hijab, I would have.



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