Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chile Roasters For Sale

Partidaka the "Agricola"

Well played last Thursday, heading to double agricultural . That is, two tables for four players (and it looked like a tournament day.) Advanced users played a very "productive" while we have not had a chance to play this game before we were somewhat befuddled until late in the game. And is that agriculture is a game to give a second and third and fourth time ... the experience is key in this game and try to take a clear strategy from minute one. Agricultural
game is not a wood, mud and food ... is something else (hence the ranking on BGG) is one of those games that make you give Coconut enough during and after the game. And it has its funny moments with sheep, pigs and cows.
review or assessment do not let a single game because play does not seem to get. But if I leave the photo doubleheader.

To thank Monty for his patience when explaining the mechanics of how deep boardgame.


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