Monday, May 9, 2011

My Summit Suitcase Is Locked By The Numbers

act May 7 in Jaén. Activism

On Saturday May 7 militants of the youth association Iberia Cruor returned to the streets this time under the slogan "Rebel, in defense of English identity "chose this date to be election time and we wanted to be present in it, performing an act of interest cultural. The theme was chosen to understand our association one of the main problems of Spain is the total loss of our identity, culture and traditions.

understand why one of the main enemies of Spain as a nation today to local separatists are the spaces of free trade, migration, supranational bodies to serve the larger interests of power and gradual dismantling of the state apparatus, namely globalization and its effects.

Hence the celebration of this event. We wanted to reclaim where we come from, what we have been and who we are, and especially what we can not lose we can not let die at the hands of the interests of globalization.

But apart from making reference to the danger of globalization also wanted to express interest in the need to recover the phenomenon of nationalism.

The event began with a small walk from the square of the little gardens to the square of the Constitution where the main event was celebrated with the reading of the poem "Ode to the May 2" by Bernardo López García and reading Two little speeches by two members of the association.

After the ceremony we had a barrel in a downtown pub Jaén, from here we want to thank all for your presence once again demonstrating that youth belong to incorrect maverick and goes out in a country with 5,000,000 unemployed and does not stay on the couch like most young people of our country impassive to the situation.

Photos of activity:


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