Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bulma Vegetadoujinshi English

friends MYSTERY

Elena Marchesi (Rio Ceballos) reminds us of Mr. Osvaldo Pajer. Temperamental man, therefore, that more than once, he has played against, but of great convictions. Today
is not physically with us, but this in memory of a great many, as in the case of Elena

One of the most difficult to solve mysteries is the behavior the other, where all is not equal, nor are all errors.
From our perspective of life, often incomprehensible and even strange customs of others, especially if demand justice. Right
is to understand and tolerate those who are working towards the other, with firm resolve. It is very difficult to accept the other with their cultural characteristics and individuals.
The effort has to be done, it's worth.
In solidarity we are able to help in any situation.
When you lose this ability, we lose hope.
The do not mess, not good citizens, indifference is the gateway to ignorance, mediocrity and inflexibility extreme counselors who are the worst of man.
not recognize the attempt to live as a citizen in Democracy Pajer Osvaldo, who sought to arouse public awareness in ourselves and respect for the law, reminiscent of the work "The enemy of" people "... Go
our memory, even without a street named

Elena - Cristina - Lidia

Pajer Osvaldo was a tireless fighter for the environment, in this area Valley of the Sierras Chicas. Today
Rio Ceballos, is divided by politicians who make policy, away from the essence and identity of Rio Ceballos and people, who were looking for-just-personal interests, undermine the environment of this community. Surely, these sectors should not surprise Mr. Pajer.
Not only is the case of Osvaldo Pajer, not a street bears his name, but many other makers of this community. Is it because they had principles, prioritized the community to "some interest" or sectors oligarchs are afraid that these men and women are known by a new generation ???....
The best tribute to these people, not just, remember, but also to continue their work.


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