Saturday, April 16, 2011

Whats The Use Of E71 Front Camera

Despite that at this time, the blog was not updated, we Path. By a "technical" issue ... bad press a button ... I deleted my fans, I hope to join again. The / The still excited for us to be a nexus of communication in every corner of our beloved Argentina. From my place, Rio Ceballos, Valley of the Sierras Chicas, Córdoba province, trying, put a bit to, presentation to all the people who made this beautiful city, but that selfishness and jealousy, a sector of the same not recognized, either by their color, creed or religion, but they were great engines in the power of this mountain community. It makes me sad that in the streets, public spaces and major arteries, their names do not predominate, making our identity depends on the officer on duty and do not encourage others to follow the path of participation. My friend Rodolfo, Dr. Rodolfo Sarmiento no longer among us physically, he taught me much, about the commitment to participate. I allowed her six daughters, pour in the pages of the book, Dr. Sarmiento RODOLFO ... , his actions of 40 years for the culture of this city. In each town or city to find characters who work for the common good that place. Engines. Those dreamers who seek to improve the society in which we live. These idealists, perhaps, misunderstood and even criticized in their lives and valued only when they are not among us. Those or those that give us the opportunity to participate in different aspects of life, but for those who always have a BUT. (excerpt from the foreword of the book) that this space serves to recognize those people who gave their all for their community. Also, track, turning in this blog, all type information from your village, town, neighborhood, city, etc. Basically one way, so, to excite to connect with you through all routes, with respect to such end. Blog radio, continues to air, so if you remember that this happens when they see me in my msn connected and your computer has installed the Real Player, you can download it from the Blog. At that time I will make company with music and information of the area and to share you. In the next post, I will recoder to Mr. Osvaldo Pajer was a temperamental man and "little fleas" but a champion of the environment of the place (writes Elena Marchesi) and that was ECOVAL (Ecology Valle) and the motor of this project, which is no longer in place, where so, today, we are concerned about the state of Water Reserve La Quebrada, I mean the architect Maria Teresa Peretti, no longer among us physically. All they want to convey concerns, notes, photos, videos ... make me reach: see, also, the menu, the link of Argentine Forum of Community Radio , there you will find information that transcends the "mainstream media."

A big hug


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