Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leather Belt Buckle Blanks


Voices Against Terrorism presented at the National Court a complaint and request for suspension of the planned tribute to the terrorist José María Sagarduy Moja, alias "Gatza.

F º José Alcaraz explains: "With this report expects the National Court and the Ministry of Interior to the Government orders in Jaen for the Corps and the State Security forces prevent this tribute to a terrorist who is a symbol of ETA and its accomplices. " On March 27, 2009 VCT and was at the door of the jail Jaén II to prevent proetarras paid homage to this terrorist. A small group of victims of terrorism and citizens flocked to prevent further acts of humiliation to the victims. As the tributes are to these murderers is in exalting the figure of a terrorist murderer for crimes committed as if heroes are treated. So from VCT could not allow that, although they were more than 300 proetarras who came to the door of the prison of Jaen that day, be held as contemptible spectacle. In

If you allow this tribute, victims of terrorism with people you can join us, we will go again as we did to the jail door to counter a tribute to this murderer, and our presence we will ensure the dignity of victims killed by ETA. Alcaraz

states that: "expect more than 500 proetarras come to move into a dozen buses from the Basque Autonomous Community, but again this will not scare us, or continue claiming prevent memory, dignity and justice.

This is the statement that the association has published Voices Against Terrorism yesterday, we joined our association to protest so well as encourage citizens to express Jaén against this tribute to a member of the terrorist group ETA our beloved city, where there is no place for terrorism street these far-left factions. Hopefully just as thousands of young people gather to celebrate Jaén the spring festival also do it for this protest.


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